Mr P J, Personal Injury, 5 February 2017

Dear Shama,

First of all, thank you ever so much for all your guidance and support following my road traffic accident in January 2017. Your help throughout will not be forgotten. You have been brilliant from our first call and secured an outcome for me that will go some way to compensate me for the injuries I suffered. I look forward to receiving the cheque in due course.

I will recommend Caines Law to all my friends and relatives in the event that there is a need for your help.

Thank you once again.

Ms BM, Employment Law

Dear Emily,

I just wanted to send you a brief line to say thank you for all your help and support, you’ve been amazing.

I know I am a client and pay for your services, but the way in which you have done so goes beyond a standard service. You have managed to combine professionalism with compassions, and guided me through a very difficult time. Despite your professionalism, I have never felt like just a client. I cannot thank you enough Emily.

… I know I can draw comfort from the fact that, should I need one, I have a damn good solicitor.

Dr SA, Hemel Hempstead, Jan 2017

I would like to thank Feroz Bhimani from Caines Law who successfully defended me for my drink driving charge. I’m a Doctor by profession and a conviction would have caused serious consequences for me, my family and my career. Through his excellent advice and representation, I was found not guilty when all other so called experts I had spoken to were advising me to plead guilty. I cannot thank him enough.

Dr SA, 11 January 2017

Mrs DM, Employment Law, November 2016

I engaged Caines Law after experiencing a number of issues with my previous employment, which had caused me to secure employment elsewhere. The advice I received from Dominic Coyle was lucid, prompt and realistic. Unfortunately, my case was not strong enough to warrant proceeding to tribunal but with the involvement of Caines Law, I was able to secure payment of salary that had been incorrectly underpaid. Without their involvement I do not think my previous employer would have been willing to admit their mistake, and so I did at least achieve some financial recourse, and enough satisfaction to put a sorry episode behind me and move on with my career.


Mr SL, Speeding, October 2016


I just wanted to thank everyone at Caines Law for all your help and more importantly your support, when you had to put up with my frustrations at times, you are all to the last a great and professional team.

I got a 7 day ban, which I believe to be the best outcome that I could have hoped for, doesn’t really affect me as I have booked the week off work anyway, the £455 fine does sting a little but I’m sure I will survive and more importantly I have learnt a valuable lesson..which is..the Police can lie to get a conviction…or how can I put it another way not lie but not tell the whole story.

Anyway thanks again, hopefully I will not need your services again but if I do need a good solicitors firm in the future or I know of anybody who does I will definitely look you guys up..Good luck!

Warmest Regards,

S L.

Caught doing 90mph in a 40!!

Mrs MT, Employment Law, November 2016

I would like to thank Dominic Coyle and his team for an excellent outcome in a case that many organisations would not pursue because I had not being with my employer for 2 years.

I had experienced unfair treatment at work Dominic showed true professionalism and was always honest. He was accurate and to the point and got a grasp of a complicated situation and got to the crux of the issues very quickly, presented them to my former employer and we got the result I need to move on. Thank you very much for an honest, friendly and professional service.

I hope this goes some way to show my appreciation.


Ms AD, Excess alcohol charge, August 2016

Whilst driving through London earlier this year, I was pulled over when some passing on-duty policemen noticed a fault with my car. After pulling me over, the policemen proceeded to arrest me for a suspected drink driving offence.

I was in turmoil. I work for the NHS, and have a very responsible job caring for sick children. This did not only threaten my reputation and my driving license, but my career also.

I instructed Caines Law after finding them on the internet and following a very supportive and optimistic conversation with Feroz Bhimani, who believed I had a very strong argument against the accusations.

Caines Law did me extremely proud. My lawyer was in contact with me regularly, and was incredibly supportive. I didn’t feel I was alone, and I didn’t have to chase her, or the company, in any way. Everything was handled with the utmost urgency and with the utmost professionalism.

After collaborating the evidence, considering witness statements and instructing a toxicologist, the case was eventually discontinued after five months due to insufficient evidence and discrepancies with the way my arrest was handled by the police. I didn’t even need to attend court.

I am completely grateful to Caines Law, Jessica Wilson and Feroz Bhimani in particular for allowing me to contest these accusations and move forward with my life.

Mr MM, Settlement Agreement, Leicestershire, July 2015

Rebecca Walmsley took on my case to secure a settlement with my former employer, at a time when my mental state was fragile. She provided me with honest advice and supported me through a traumatic period, understood the nature of my dispute and gave balanced and quality advice throughout. Not once did I feel she was not representing my interests; indeed, she went the extra mile at a point other solicitors might have thrown in the towel, and I was delighted that she managed to support my case assertively and with integrity, and secured a settlement with which I cannot complain.  I would not hesitate to use her or Caines Law in the future, as her knowledge and understanding of employment law was exemplary, as was her conduct in the face of aggressive posturing by my ex-employer’s legal team.

Mike Matthews – AND  you can use my name.