Mr R.H, Drink Driving and Mobile Phone Offence, Birmingham, Sept 2017

Dear Sana

Thank you very much again for all of your help. Feroz warned Rikki at the beginning that there was no way to avoid a ban, and that the best we could hope for was one that would be as short term as possible.

With the help of Ms Dean, who I have to say was absolutely superb (immediately getting the phone charge thrown out, as well as refuting part of the prosecution argument as it wasn’t supported by a charge), Rikki has been very lucky to have a ban below that stated by the guidelines.

Thank you again for all of your help

Ms J.S, Careless Driving, Northallerton, Sept 2017

May I personally thank Ilyas, John and Feroz for your unwavering support, guidance and commitment.

Ilyas much of my communication was with you and I have found your reassurance to be outstanding as I know at times I took up much of your time! This whole incident has been quite distressing for me on a number of levels and I have questioned the justice system to the point that I will not let this go.  I am elated with the outcome and know it could not have been achieved without the support, guidance and representation of your firm.

This brings me onto my next point being John (copied) who at your instruction represented me at court.  There is no doubt that his advocacy on the day was most effectively represented and I wished to say that he is a credit to your team.  John was also very realistic as well as reassuring which was a great support to me personally so thank you to John and I would most certainly not hesitate in referring people to him too.

With respect to the officer I am now pursuing my personal complaint and intend to write to the Chief Constable. I will again write to the regions Chief Prosecutor who needs to be made aware of such cases and more importantly the outcome, as you know I requested he reviews the case but he was not willing.

If I were to sum up a testimonial I would add:

It is the most distressing time to be charged with an offence that you believe you did not commit and with this conviction I pleaded not guilty.  This conviction requires strong representation and advocates that also believe in you and your conviction and it is without doubt that I received all this and more from Caines Law. I believe their commitment, understanding and representation to also instruct impressive advocates in court contributed to the justice I was seeking being I was not guilty of any offence.

Once again thank you all and in the nicest possible way I hope our paths don’t cross under such circumstances in the future but otherwise I do hope they do.

Illyas I will absolutely come by your offices when I am next in the area and let you know.

John – Watch this space I may even apply to be a Northallerton magistrate to equal the balance!

Ms L. J, Drink Driving, Manchester, Sept 2017

I contacted Caines Law after I was arrested for drink driving with an exceptionally high reading. This was my first offence and out of character and I had no idea how to deal with this. I contacted a number of Solicitors before requesting a free call back from Caines Law. Mr. Bhimani phoned back immediately and very patiently took all the sorry details. He was frank about the worst possible outcome (prison) but also advised on how to proceed given my personal circumstances.

Despite the fact that I was only able to instruct Caines Law 3 days prior to my court case, they saw me immediately and asked me to secure 2 character references. They contacted my GP and secured medical evidence outlining health issues at the time of the offence and took detailed information of all the circumstances. They secured the services of an experienced Barrister.

Despite the gravity of this offence, I found them to be non-judgemental and compassionate and also mindful that many offences are not as simple as they may appear. If you are honest regarding your cicumstances, they will present this mitigation realistically to the Court. I have no doubt that without their professionalism and quick action, I would have received a Custodial sentence.

They were also considerably better value than others – 20% less than the 5 others I contacted. If you are unfortunate enough to require their support, I recommend them highly.

Mr JM, Failure To Provide Specimen, Gloucestershire

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude and thanks to both Feroz Bhimani and Sana Karim at Caines Law for the superb service they have delivered ensuring that the CPS dropped a prosecution against me for failure to provide a specimen.

I found Caines Law on the internet and having read some testimonials I called on a Saturday morning and had the good fortune that Feroz answered my call. I was in distress at the time, however, Feroz was calming and reassuring and insisted that I had a strong case and I felt a lot more comfortable after the initial call.

Despite advice from other Legal representatives to plead guilty to the charge I stuck with the sound advice provided by Feroz and just before the case was due to be heard in court the CPS dropped the charge.If convicted of the alleged offence I was facing a lengthy driving ban or possibly an even worse outcome.

The service I have received from the Caines Law team could not have been more professional, supportive, personal and thorough. I have retained my licence and I can now move forward and put the past 3 months behind me. I highly recommend the team at Caines Law and would not hesitate in recommending them to anyone finding themselves in similar circumstances to myself.

Mr P W, Speeding, Lincoln

I had an extremely difficult motoring case, which was dealt with in an extremely professional manner. The CPS were being very difficult, but Ilyas Umarji was a master of making them see the error of their ways. I have nothing but praise for Ilyas, the way in which he dealt with the issue was superb. He constantly informed me step by step of what stage we were at.  I can only praise Ilyas for his brilliant attitude and fantastic manner in which he helped me in this matter. If you need the best help, then please do not hesitate to contact Ilyas.

Thank you once again Ilyas, you were superb.

Mr D B, Dangerous Driving, February 2017

Hi Ilyas Umarji,

I hope you are well

May i take this opportunity to thank you and all your collegues for the assistance you gave to daniel on his recent court case relating to dangerous driving-although it has been a long drawn out affair, the outcome was such a relief and i feel sure that without your help and guidance the end result would have been so much different-expert and professional advice won the day and we are so grateful thank you once again.


Mr C P, Failure to identify driver, North Yorkshire

Hi Marc,

I hope this finds you well.

I would like to express my gratitude for the excellent job you did for me in my case.  I feel that I received excellent service and value for money from you and Caines Law.

For these reasons I would like to offer you a testimonial.

Obviously I would wish not to find myself in a similar situation again but would not hesitate to contact you if it was necessary, and I would happily recommend your services to others.

Please feel free to quote anything herein publicly by whatever means you wish but I kindly request that you do so anonymously – if you do quote me I would be perfectly happy to be approached by you for me to contact anyone that wanted to corroborate my opinions.

I wish you and Caines Law every continued success.



Mr G W, Speeding, Somerset

Hi Marc McCormick,

I just wanted to thank you for all your help regarding my case. Your service has been nothing but exceptional and totally professional

I hope I am never in need of your services again but will keep your details and refer to others if ever needed

Please pass on my sincerest thanks to the solicitor that was present on both occasions as I think she was fantastic and really accommodating

Many thanks again

Kind Regards


Mr P S, Sheffield, Drink Driving charge

Hi Ilyas,

I cannot thank you enough for the support you have given me over the last 7 1/2 months. As you are aware, a conviction would have been life changing for me. As such, this period of time has been an absolute emotional roller coaster.

I have to say that the team you assembled at the court yesterday was nothing short of formidable, and I am totally convinced that their mere presence was enough to make the CPS to effectively ‘throw the towel in’. The final result, ‘Case Dismissed’ was far better than I ever could have imagined.

I have now had a bit of time to reflect back on the process and fully recognise that you have consistently done the right things at the right time, made all the right decisions, brought in the right people, and always kept one step ahead of the CPS. I now fully recognise and appreciate the amount of expertise you have applied to this case.

In addition, you have continuously kept me up to date with the situation and progress, which has definitely helped me keep re-assured that you were always there, in the background, looking after my interests. This was very important to me.

Once again, I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me. I am now back home, with all this behind me, and can honestly say ‘this is the first day of the rest of my life’.

Yes, the CPS tried to vacate (I don’t think I’ll ever forget that word now), but Mr Veni put forward an excellent objection and the magistrates did not take long to reject. Mr Veni actually told us before we went into trial that the CPS would apply to vacate and would give up the case if their application was rejected. I don’t know how he got that information, but he was clearly in a different league to the CPS and I suspect they did not want to take him on in a trial.

Prof. Douglas did not even make it into the court room, however I am totally convinced that his mere presence at court was a major factor to the CPS’s decision to give up the case.

For myself, I was doing my best Swan impression, calm and serine on the surface, but flapping like mad underneath. I was well aware that you had put me in the best possible position and was obviously very worried about a postponement (however unlikely that may be). I cannot thank you enough for the very strong objection you made to the CPS’s request to vacate – this was a master stroke. I have to admit that I was convinced the court would accept the request and postpone the trial to a date when Dr Bourne was available. I am also convinced that your successful objection was a huge turning point in this case, in my favour, and Mr Veni’s successful objection at trial sealed the outcome.

Please take this correspondence as full consent to publish anything I have written to you, and I sincerely hope it helps you get more business. I cannot recommend you highly enough.

With regard to the application to recover costs, I really appreciate you doing this for me. As you are aware, I did not want such an application to risk the outcome, however now that the outcome is fixed and cannot be changed, any recovery is welcome. My bank account is still healthy, so the six month time frame is of no significant concern to me. As you said on the phone last week, any financial recovery of legal costs will be a bonus.

With my very best regards,

P S, Sheffield