Mr S.V, Drink Driving, November 2020

It was summer of 2019 and I found myself in the unfortunate position whereby I really need to seek legal help. I called upon the assistance of ‘Caines Law,’ if I am honest more by luck than judgement. Nonetheless it was to be a blessing in disguise.

I want to pay a special mention to someone in particular. ‘Ilyas Umarji’ a solicitor to whom personified professionalism, but more importantly was that outside ‘friend’ to whom I could talk. You really helped me within a very difficult time in my life.

It was November when my sentence was given; the result was way beyond my hopes and aspirations and it was fundamentally down to their knowledge, expertise and overall 1st class service.

Mr A.S, Driver Not in Proper Control of Vehicle, March 2018

On behalf of myself and my family I would like thank all the staff at Caines law for their excellent handling of my recent false accusation and attempted prosecution by Greater Manchester police, in relation to an alleged motoring offence. I found the staff at Caines law approachable friendly and knowledgeable when ever I contacted them, their communication where prompt and regular , which was very reassuring , and they were always calm and confident which helped take away a lot of my anxiety. At all times their advice and information was positive but at the same time realistic about outcomes . As was initially predicted the case against me was dropped before going to court .So once again a big thank you to all at Caines  law, in particular Feroz who was my initial contact and Abdullah who looked after me throughout the whole process.

Mr G.M, Drink Driving, Hammersmith, Sept 2017

I would like, first and foremost, thank you for helping by my side all these months and reaching the result that, deep down, never expected to achieve.

All the professionals that I cooperated, directly or not, in house or not, were excellent and I really cannot find words to show my appreciation!

From day one, Mr Feroz approached me with great confidence and won my trust straight away, then you, Sana, took over and organised everything like noone would have, reminded me of all key dates, gave perfect quality feedback on all information i provided you and with on-the-day response, always!

Both barristers that accompanied me to the court were perfectly selected with good grasp and history of similar cases. Walk in the park. Really descriptive, friendly, fully informed and updated, even on last minute information sent through the day of the trial!

Overall I am very satisfied with the result since 2 months ago I was almost certain that I would have to give my driving licence away.