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Ms SN, Wirral MC, March 2014

I contacted Caines Law when my daughter told me she was due to appear at the magistrates court in 5 days time to face a charge of speeding which could have resulted in an automatic six month disqualification. She was distraught; I was upset as this could have resulted in the loss of her job. With a mortgage to pay which relied on two incomes and 2 small children losing her licence and possibly her job, just before Christmas, was a very distressing.

I contacted Caines Law and spoke to Feroz. He immediately put my mind at rest and showed concern, empathy and understanding. After discussing my daughters case and her situation he agreed to take the case, assuring me that he felt a very positive outcome could be achieved, He said he would not take the case had he not felt this. He also assured me that at even at such short notice he was confident of success. Feroz arranged for the hearing to be deferred giving us more time to obtain the documents needed for court.  I was then put in the very capable hands of Luke Unsworth.

Luke was magnificent, Within 30 mins he emailed all of the documentation including witness  statement templates to assist us in the preparation of our case.  He kept in contact and kept us updated at all stages. He provided contact details should we need to discuss anything with him. He showed genuine concern for us and helped in every way he could. He explained everything so we knew what to expect when we went to court. The Barrister he appointed was great, very professional and understanding and had been fully updated.

My daughter said very little at the hearing; the Barrister had prepared the way and spoke in defense of my daughter. The outcome was the best we could have wished for. My daughter was issued with 5 points which meant she kept her licence and her job

I cannot thank Luke and Feroz enough for their commitment, professionalism, understanding and empathy. The service I received was excellent. They were brilliant I would highly recommend them to all.