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Ms J.S, Careless Driving, Northallerton, Sept 2017

May I personally thank Ilyas, John and Feroz for your unwavering support, guidance and commitment.

Ilyas much of my communication was with you and I have found your reassurance to be outstanding as I know at times I took up much of your time! This whole incident has been quite distressing for me on a number of levels and I have questioned the justice system to the point that I will not let this go.  I am elated with the outcome and know it could not have been achieved without the support, guidance and representation of your firm.

This brings me onto my next point being John (copied) who at your instruction represented me at court.  There is no doubt that his advocacy on the day was most effectively represented and I wished to say that he is a credit to your team.  John was also very realistic as well as reassuring which was a great support to me personally so thank you to John and I would most certainly not hesitate in referring people to him too.

With respect to the officer I am now pursuing my personal complaint and intend to write to the Chief Constable. I will again write to the regions Chief Prosecutor who needs to be made aware of such cases and more importantly the outcome, as you know I requested he reviews the case but he was not willing.

If I were to sum up a testimonial I would add:

It is the most distressing time to be charged with an offence that you believe you did not commit and with this conviction I pleaded not guilty.  This conviction requires strong representation and advocates that also believe in you and your conviction and it is without doubt that I received all this and more from Caines Law. I believe their commitment, understanding and representation to also instruct impressive advocates in court contributed to the justice I was seeking being I was not guilty of any offence.

Once again thank you all and in the nicest possible way I hope our paths don’t cross under such circumstances in the future but otherwise I do hope they do.

Illyas I will absolutely come by your offices when I am next in the area and let you know.

John – Watch this space I may even apply to be a Northallerton magistrate to equal the balance!