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Ms AD, Excess alcohol charge, August 2016

Whilst driving through London earlier this year, I was pulled over when some passing on-duty policemen noticed a fault with my car. After pulling me over, the policemen proceeded to arrest me for a suspected drink driving offence.

I was in turmoil. I work for the NHS, and have a very responsible job caring for sick children. This did not only threaten my reputation and my driving license, but my career also.

I instructed Caines Law after finding them on the internet and following a very supportive and optimistic conversation with Feroz Bhimani, who believed I had a very strong argument against the accusations.

Caines Law did me extremely proud. My lawyer was in contact with me regularly, and was incredibly supportive. I didn’t feel I was alone, and I didn’t have to chase her, or the company, in any way. Everything was handled with the utmost urgency and with the utmost professionalism.

After collaborating the evidence, considering witness statements and instructing a toxicologist, the case was eventually discontinued after five months due to insufficient evidence and discrepancies with the way my arrest was handled by the police. I didn’t even need to attend court.

I am completely grateful to Caines Law, Jessica Wilson and Feroz Bhimani in particular for allowing me to contest these accusations and move forward with my life.